Days 9, 10 &11: A Backlog of Kindnesses and One Loose Backpack
I know I’m behind on posting my #AdamsActs but Annalee and I have had a jam packed recruiting visit in San Francisco. Between the school of fashion design and the impressive track and cross country program, the Academy of Art University has given us a LOT to consider.
Before I left for this trip I was able to complete several acts of kindness. I consider waking up at 3:15am to catch our flight a kindness to my daughter, but apart from that on #day9 I brought three dinners, some salads and cookies to a sweet family who just finally brought their twin baby boys home from the NICU. Things were touch and go for a while, but both boys are beautiful and healthy! They came home with feeding tubes and demanding schedules filled with all the usual selfish baby needs, times two. So, it doesn’t hurt to have a couple quick meals on hand. Unrelated, but coincidentally, I made a donation on #Day10 to the Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation in honor of my favorite NICU twins and in memory of the beloved little Zoey who passed away due to complications resulting from #ttts.
#Day11 I brought dinner to my NY mom, because she just had surgery and also because she might be one of the kindest, most giving people I know. Plus, she looks smokin’ hot in a neck brace! Love you mama Sue! ❤️❤️
I also bought candy bars for two cashiers and I thought I was doing a good deed when I pulled over on the shoulder to retrieve a lone backpack in the middle of the road. It was on an exit so I had to run back down the curved exit to make the heroic rescue. I thought for sure it fell off the roof of someone’s car like the iPhone I rescued last year - which I saw fly off a car and was still playing music when I found it! Sadly, the backpack was completely emptied and all zippers unzipped as if it had been stolen, pillaged and tossed out the window of the getaway car. I added a picture in case anyone recognizes it, but there was no identification inside. #kindnessfail
Thank you to all who have sent messages, comments and likes. Thanks to all who have done acts of kindness in memory of Adam. Your love and support is an immeasurable kindness to all who knew and loved him.